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Piese de Craciun - Album pentru pian

Marca: Grafoart



Pret: 30.00 Lei

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Piese de Craciun - Album pentru pian

Adeste Fideles - J. F. Wade
Hark! the herald angels sing - F. Mendelssohn
Christmas Song - E. Grieg . .
Chorus of Shepherds - C. Reinecke
L'Angelus - C. Gounod
Noel - S. Clark
O Sanctissima - Sicilian Song .
Christmas Bells. - A. Krug
Christmas Hymn - C. Reinecke
Christmas Three - C. Reinecke .
Cradle Song of the Infant Jesus - C. Reinecke .
The Waits
Joyous Bells - H. F. Sharpe .
Care, thou canker of our joys - Arr. by W. T. Best .
Sweet Dreams - P. I. TschaYkowsky
Noel - Hymn - Traditional Air .
At the Fire-Side - R. Schumann .
Holy Night - E. van der Straeten .
My heart ever faithful - J. S. Bach
New Year's Song. - R. Schumann

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